Saturday, January 25, 2020
Leadership and time management skills.
Leadership and time management skills. Leadership is defined as the to make people understand to gain certain course, and also the leader must follow the same power of mind. Leader ship is not an authority of an organization but its a strange strength personality which attracts the ordinary person. Personal and professional skills for a successful Manager/Leader:- Time Management Running meetings Making presentation Stress Management Time management :- It is consider as one of the most important skill under the mangers requirement. A proverb has been said Once the time has gone it never comes again. In this fast moving world time is precious and its been consider as money so time should be utilize in a proper way. The main features of the time management are to organize the work in a proper way and in a proper time, handling the meeting in a specific time period, to utilize the free time. In this business world everyone is concerned about the time management to achieve their success. The time frame which is available in this world for each person is 24 hours. Thus it is not possible for every individual to achieve their goal in the specific time period if its not been managed properly. Components of Time Management are as follow:- The leader/manager should set their priorities as per the time frame and should try to achieve their goal in a specific time with proper monitoring and feedback. Prioritize goal according to their importance. An time log of daily/weekly basis should be made to utilize time effectively Leader/Manger should give motivate and should give guidance to their staff to develop and to achieve goals. Running meetings :- Meeting lead to achieve the goal effectively probably meeting can be successful one or unsuccessful one. While running the meeting all the features are been consider so that the meeting will not be unsuccessful one. The agenda of the meeting should be clear. In which the meeting timing, points to be discussed, last meeting discussion and also the concerned person to carry out meeting should be mentioned properly. The important factor for the meeting is the time .It is necessary to mention the ending and the starting time of the meeting. A proper planning may lead to success of the meeting. For a successful meeting environmental condition should be nice enough. Such as, location, room and the availability of the equipment to carry out the meeting. It is a duty of a manager to maintain a quorum .And to consider the points discussion for the meeting by the subordinates. At the end of the meeting the points discussed by the subordinate should be ensure to all the members and the summary of meeting should be circulated to all the members. Making Presentation_:- It is pattern to shown or present the data in front of audience .presentation should consist of appropriate information related data and should be provided in an under stable language . The manager should be actively take part in the meeting and should be confident enough to carry out the meeting. The meeting starting and ending time should be considered by the manager while running the meeting. The physical presentation by the manger should be good enough he/she should dress them self properly and should be confident to carry out the meeting. While carrying out the meeting manager should make an eye contact with the members and should ask the questions if necessary. To make the meeting interesting it should be more of visuals either than the lectures so the members will not get bored of the meeting. Stress management:- It plays a vital role in the life of the mangers. Its normally been distinguish in two types it is personal and professional. The personal is been related to money problem, sickness, family problems etc while the professional will be the completion, business problems, large workload. To get release with the stress manger should follow the following steps:- He should identify the problem is it a professional or personal stress. A proper solution should be made to reduce the stress. Normally the main reason of the stress is time .If the time is managed by anyone he/she can reduces stress in a proper way. Regular exercise ,yoga, and meditation also help to reduce the stress and increases energy and strength In managers time log there should be some time for his hobbies or for the favorite thing to carry out so that he will be fresh to perform his task. Proper planning should be there for the task which is not the simple. So by the study of it proper notes, remark should be made to reduce stress. Thus by achieving these steps manger can reduce the stress and can achieve its goal in a proper plan time which can leads to an organisation profit. Task 2 (1.1b) The leader /manager have to know himself first mostly in terms of his weakness and the strength to perform the work in the proper way. Following are the practical methods of skills for developing or improving are as follow. Proper time frame should be made to carry out work efficiently in a proper and organized way. By these it become easily t carry out or too run the meetings easily and effectively. With the help of logs like daily and weekly it become easy to identify the problems or the jobs which was carried out and with the help of logs it can be sorted out easily. Proper planning should be there to carry out work easily so that the stress will be get reduced .Normally work is been carried out as per the as per the indivivals satisfaction. Proper planning or using of phone calls or the internet should be specific so that there will be no delay for the work. Proper backup or the files should be saved in a computer data as if it becomes easy to sort out the problems. Outcome 2 Task 3 (1.2a) By personal development it makes us understand to know our strength and weakness. As most of the people are unaware about their sturdy and fragile areas. Due to which the work get spoiled and do not get completed properly. So thats why the term personal skill audit is been used in management studies so that the employee will able to know their weakness and strength so that he can able to overcome with it easily. Due to which it become easy for the organisation to complete its goal. After having a study Advanced Professional Development I came to know that I am pragmatist. My Strength is as follow:- I like to know about the recent things happening around me relates to books and technologies. Most of the times I try to make out some new ideas from the job to make it easy. I make my plan for each work and try to make most of it to complete it. I utilize the option available to me. Most of the time I like to work independently to complete any task. My weakness is prescribed below:- I am very eager to complete the task without considering caution. Most of the time the group task is not performed by me because I try to dominate others. Without involving other people I like to do my work. I try to keep control on other because of which it may underestimate others. With the help of my strength it becomes easy to do work in a proper way. Gathering the information may help to complete the task. With the help of these it become easy to perform or to run the meeting easily. Also proper arrangement of agenda which includes the figures and facts help to make meeting successful. And also some time working alone or to perform the work help me to complete it properly as I dont have to rely on other to complete my work or task. As without considering the caution may leads to crash the task. Because of these act normally it direct me to the way of failure. Due to independent working stress and the mental pressure get increase because of which leads to work failure. Because of underestimating other people by me lead to differences between family, subordinates with me. These differences may cause nervousness, stress to mental condition. Due to which it take directly to the way of failure. After knowing to my weakness and strengths, I will try to overcome with it with the help of four skills which can also reduce the individual and proficient efficiency. I will plan my work in a proper way to compete it. Also I will persistence to my work or task and will study it properly to overcome it. And also I will frame out the related caution which may arise so thats I can overcome it. By utilizing strength I can achieve the goals successfully to hike the company in the right direction Outcome 3 Task 4 (1.3a) Before to be linked with the Personal Development Plan, I have constructed SMART and SWORT analysis to identify my objectives in life and to know my strength and weakness which will help me out to achieve my MBA and to be a successful manager in future. SMART -: It stands for S-Specific, M- Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Relevant and T-Time. Considering these all things I have set my goals for future. Specific-: To gain and implement four skills they are Time Management, Running Meetings, and Making Presentation, Stress Management which will help me out to complete my MBA. Measurable-: To complete the assignment successfully in APD/MBA. Achievable-: To complete and submit the assignment successfully in a specific time period and to get passes through it. Relevant-: As I have gained a perfect group of teachers because of which I have 100% interest and commitment for my subject which aim to concentrate and to put my efforts to achieve my goal. Time-Bound-: To obtain MBA degree by the end of March 2011. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths-: I try to find out more options To disclose the facts I use my detective skills I am eager to find and implement the ideas, techniques and theories. I perform the work well when I am independent. I set the goal and act to meet them I take my opportunities for experiment I am good to gather the information from the entire source available I am good in performing oral presentation which holds the attention of the audience. Weaknesses-: I proceed without caution I underestimate personal feelings I require full control I am impatient I dominate task which is given to others I like to do work/task alone I am not good in making logical disputes for the essay format I am not good in presenting the assignments professionally I am not good in evaluating the progress of any work. Opportunities-: Facilities which are available from our college -Live campus update, advanced technology for teaching like Smart Board, computers,projectors,library with all the books and facilities, the best teachers/staff. Special service for the student that is tutorial service in which we can interact our problems with the tutor. Performing practical workshops by our lecturer Mrs. Ginny Cox at our College. Through workshop it makes us easy to perform and practice our skills Threats-: Problems evaluating like login for live campus and collage computer systems Cannot take books outside the library Time consuming student services token system and limited time period for tutor service Because of newcomers and unprepared members in the group lecture cant able to concentrate on the workshops properly. Workshop cannot be get completed in time Professional Development Plan-: Learning and development need Weaknesses to be overcome and strengths to assist the outcome Learning actions to be taken including resources needed to achieve them Monitoring and feedback point Time frame for success Time management Weaknesses-: Have to wait for the last moment Always work alone To keep reminder or alarm for the deadline To do split up the small task and the large task first and then to do the important one. To decide and frame out the deadline and important dates. To record the summary at the end of the day To study and implement on daily action plan. To study and get on to the result time period of two months is needed. Strengths-: To perform the work on time Working hard for the work Proper planning and techniques can avoid wastage of time. It is hard to meet time constraint by working out daily. Approximately 1 month Running meetings Weaknesses-: Do not practice before performing Do not consider other people effectively Have to be prepare by own first before discussing the matter and implementing the decision assigned to him. To check the others works and allocate work to them. To take the survey in between and to ensure the progress of the work interval check is required. Up till the proper decision is implemented Strengths-: Able to make own decision Able to make control on others To set the goals and try to achieve them To stuck up with the decision and make a use of an employee to achieve the target. Through financial reports, sales reports and annual reports of an company In an interval of 3, 6, 9, 12 months. Making presentations Weaknesses-: Always in hurry Underestimate personal feelings To communicate properly To explain the topic rather than continuity of speech To take the survey in between and to ensure the progress of the work interval check is required. While presentation Strength-: Good speaker To find the facts by using detective skills Proper use of multimedia and PowerPoint in the presentation and getting the feedback from the subordinates/colleagues Through financial reports, sales reports and annual reports of an company After 1 month of presentation Stress management Weaknesses-: Always in hurry Wants the result instantly acts without caution Internal cure Taking break from work and assigning the work to subordinates/colleagues Mental stress progress continuously Strength-: Without depending on others for the work Utilizing essential and useful techniques to do task. Proper planning techniques make it easy to do work Mental stress programs continuously Task 5 (1.3b) Monitoring and feedback- As per the condition changes in the plan is been made to complete the work these skills is been effectively monitored and the feedback is been carried out to achieve the outcome. The confirmation of these monitoring and feedback is represented below. TIME MANAGEMENT-: In the starting weeks of the lecture I was asked to fill the daily/weekly time log table as during which we dint had any assignment to do so I used to utilize my time like with the friends, internet, gaming, watching TV, listening music (please see appendix 1).As after certain weeks I adjusted my time log table because of the assignments and exam were coming closure to submit and write it so using time log I planned my time properly. Also by comparing with the past time log table I come to know what mistakes I have made and how I can make a change in it.Therfore considering the sitivation I have made changes in my study hours which will be helpful for me to prepare for exam and assignment were as I have reduced my hours from the TV and music section to utilize them for studies. (Please see appendix 2).These time log I have done to do the things at time considering their priorities instead of leaving them at the end. Thus with the help of these I will be able to complete my work in ti me as if effective time management. MAKING PRESENTATION As in the lectures we had a presentation in which I had performed one presentation as a workshop in which I was making a mistakes continuously like less speech volume, repeating of the words or the mixture of the words which was not proper enough. After few days I had a presentation for the work shop for which I performed it quite well and I got a very positive results from my friends and teachers. For this presentation I had a very good preparation like to understand the subject pre-planned the matter and performed it at home and recorded it then I saw the mistakes and tried to overcome it. My main intention was to make a good presentation which should be liked by everyone. Thus after these I had many presentation and the results very quite well enough. Thus from these I have secured very good skill. Task 6 (1.3c) Conclusion Thus after completion of these task I came to know about my learning style due to which my strength and weakness is been easily identified though which it is possible for me to work out on any task easily. Also the four skills play a vital role with the help of which it may leads to a successful and good manger. As it is a part of Master of Business studies it shows the importance of time management, preparation of successful meetings which may be helpful as a part of life. Thus though these assignment I have learned also the thing that to respect the others ideas and views and use them effectively for the task which may reduce the stress.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Discursive essay on abortion Essay
Abortion is an issue that people have been questioning for generations. It is often a very hard personal decision to make; you must consider all sides of the issue. Abortion is the removal of a foetus before it has been born. Some call this murder; others say it is a matter of personal rights. Here I will explore all the arguments for abortion, leaving you to make this decision for yourself. Many women have abortions for many different reasons. Some because they feel they are too young, they do not want to have a child, or because they were raped. They may feel a child will restrict their ability to live their lives to the fullest at a younger age or simply because they cannot afford one. There are many reasons that a woman may choose to terminate her pregnancy each different from the next. She might not want to be a single parent, she doesnââ¬â¢t want to marry her partner, he canââ¬â¢t or wonââ¬â¢t marry, or she isnââ¬â¢t in a relationship. She might not want anyone to know she has had sex or is pregnant due to family reasons or embarrassment. Or the most logical reason- she or the foetus has a health problem. Abortion ends a pregnancy before birth takes place. When an embryo or foetus dies in the womb and is expelled by the body, it is called a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) and is natural and unpreventable. To end pregnancy voluntarily, is an induced a bortion. When a foetus is dead at birth, it is called a stillbirth. More than 90% of all abortions are performed during the first three months of pregnancy. In fact, more than half are performed within the first two months. These abortions are usually performed at a hospital or abortion clinic, and the women go home an hour or so later. Abortion in the last three months of pregnancy is extremely rare but still do take place. Only about 1 out of 10,000 abortions take place after 24 weeks. These are the most complicated and are performed only when the pregnancy seriously threatens a womanââ¬â¢s health or life or when the foetus is severely deformed. Most women who have abortions are under 25 years old and unmarried. Divorced women and women with financial difficulties are more likely to choose abortion than any other women. Nearly one-third are in school. After abortion most women will feel a brief sadness or other negative feeling but recover very quickly. These problems, if prolonged, are often called ââ¬Å"post-abortion syndromeâ⬠. Abortion is a very grave sin in the Catholic Church unless the womanââ¬â¢s life is in danger. The fifth commandment states â⬠thou shall not kill.â⬠Catholics have said: ââ¬ËHuman life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end, no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being.ââ¬â¢ And ââ¬ËDo not slay the innocent and the righteous.ââ¬â¢ The deliberate murder of an innocent person is gravely wrong to the dignity of the human being, to the golden rule and to the Creator, say the Catholic Church. Pro-life groups say that abortion is deliberate murder, even though the foetus is unborn. They believe that as the foetus is living, it has rights and therefore abortion qualifies as a killing. They say that if the woman did not want to have a child, she should not have had unprotected sex and so it is her own fault and she must bear the brunt of it. If your mother had decided to abort, you would not be here now. But pro-choice groups say that just because the woman got pregnant by mistake or without realising the consequences does not mean that she should give birth to a child that she is unready or unwilling for. This applies most profoundly in the case of teenage pregnancies, as 1/3 of women choosing to have abortion are still in school. They say that having a child could drastic decrease the womanââ¬â¢s quality of life, especially if she is financially insecure. In the year 2000, 1.3 million abortions took place. If it was made illegal, the worldââ¬â¢s population would be increasing at an even higher rate than it is now. Many people also say that since the foetus is incapable of self-conscious thought it is not yet a person, and so the rights given to people do not apply to it. Another pro-choice argument is that legalizing abortions has eliminated many illegal abortions performed by unskilled practitioners under unsanitary conditions. These abortions often caused death and permanent reproductiveà injuries. Abortion on demand also prevents unwanted births, possibly lowering infant and child abuse and neglect rates.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Long-Form Possessive Adjectives in Spanish
Possessive adjectives in Spanish, like those of English, are a way of indicating who owns or is in possession of something. Their use is straightforward, although they, like other adjectives, must match the nouns they modify in both number (singular or plural) and gender. Using the Long Form Unlike English, Spanish has two forms of possessive adjectives, a short form that is used before nouns, and a long form that is used after nouns. Here we focus on the long-form possessive adjectives with examples of usage and possible translations of each example: mà o, mà a, mà os, mà as ââ¬â my, of mine ââ¬â Son libros mà os. (They are my books. They are books of mine.)tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas ââ¬â your (singular familiar), of yours ââ¬â Prefiero la casa tuya. (I prefer your house. I prefer the house of yours.) These forms are used even in areas where vos is common, such as Argentina and parts of Central America.suyo, suya, suyos, suyas ââ¬â your (singular or plural formal), its, his, her, their, of yours, of his, of hers, of theirs ââ¬â Voy a la oficina suya. (I am going to his/her/your/their office. I am going to the office of his/hers/yours/theirs.)nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras ââ¬â our, of ours ââ¬â Es un coche nuestro. (It is our car. It is a car of ours.)vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras ââ¬â your (plural familiar), of yours ââ¬â à ¿Dà ³nde està ¡n los hijos vuestros? (Where are your children? Where are the children of yours?) As you may have noticed, the short form and long forms of nuestro and vuestro and related pronouns are identical. They differ only as to whether they are used before or after the noun. Owner Irrelevant in Determining Gender In terms of number and gender, changed forms are with the nouns they modify, not with the person(s) who own or possess the object. Thus, a masculine object uses a masculine modifier regardless of whether it is owned by a male or female. Es un amigo tuyo. (He is a friend of yours.)Es una amiga tuya. (She is a friend of yours.)Son unos amigos tuyos. (They are some friends of yours.)Son unas amigas tuyas. (They are some friends of yours.) If youve already studied possessive pronouns, you may have noticed that they are identical with the possessive adjectives listed above. In fact, some grammarians consider the possessive adjectives to be a type of pronoun. Regional Variations in Use of Possessive Adjectives Suyo and the related forms (such as suyas) tend to be used in opposite ways in Spain and Latin America: In Spain, unless the context is clear otherwise, speakers tend to assume that suyo refers to possession by someone other than the person spoken to ââ¬â in other words, suyo tends to function as a third-person adjective. If you need to refer to something possessed by the person spoken to, you can use de usted or de ustedes.In Latin America, on the other hand, speakers assume that suyo refers to something possessed by the person spoken to. If you need to refer to something possessed by a third party, you can use de à ©l (of his), de ella (of hers), or de ellos/ellas (of theirs). Also, in Latin America nuestro (and related forms such as nuestras) coming after a noun is uncommon for saying of ours. It is more common to use de nosotros or de nosotras. Long or Short Possessive Adjectives? Generally, there is no significant difference in meaning between the long and short forms possessive adjectives. Most often, youd use the long form as the equivalent of of mine, of yours, etc., in English. The short form is more common, and in some cases, the long form can be somewhat awkward or have a slight literary flavor. One use of the long form is in short questions: à ¿Es tuyo? (Is it yours?) In these simple questions, the form of the possessive depends on the gender of the unstated noun. For example, à ¿Es tuyo? could mean Is it your car? because coche (the word for car) is masculine, while à ¿Son tuyas? might mean Are they your flowers? because flor (the word for flower) is feminine. Key Takeaways Spanish has two types of possessive adjectives: short-form possessives, which go before the noun they refer to, and long-form possessives, which go afterward.There is no difference in meaning between the two forms of possessives, although the short term is used more often.Suyo is often understood differently in Spain than it is in Latin America.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Short Story - 1452 Words
Harry cracked open one eye as he heard the bathroom door creak open. There was a brief paused before the door slammed shut. Harry sighed and sat up. He shook his head slightly shaking the water droplets off before he slid the glass door open and peeked out of the shower. Louis stood in the middle of the bathroom holding a fuzzy white towel. He wore only a pair of shorts. Harry frowned. It was morning, Louis knew that Harry took his baths in the morning. He would usually take a short bath then go and shower. ââ¬Å"Im in the shower Louis.â⬠Harry sighed. He tucked his head back in the shower and sunk back in the bath. There was a soft patter against the tile floor. Harry groaned and peeked out again. This time Louis had gotten closer. Heâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The tub was plenty big enough for the both of them to sit comfortably but Louis chose to sit far away from Harry and sink down, hiding his body in the bubbles. ââ¬Å"You gonna sit way over there?â⬠Harry held his arms open for the omega to come closer. Louis hesitated for a second before scurrying over to Harry. He happily pushed himself onto the alpha resting his head on Harrys bare chest. ââ¬Å"You are warm.â⬠Harry mumbled. He pressed the back of his hand against Louisââ¬â¢s forehead feeling the temperature. Louis groaned and shook his head making Harry love his hand away. ââ¬Å"My head hurts.â⬠Louis sighed. ââ¬Å"Thats what happens when you drink.â⬠Harry chuckled slightly. Louis shrugged and slumped down pressing himself against the alpha. ââ¬Å"Do yaââ¬â¢ still like me?â⬠Louis asked. Harry shot back a confused look. ââ¬Å"Cause I drank, itââ¬â¢s bad.â⬠Harry sighed and pulled Louis up so he could see the boys eyes better. He began to understand what Louis probably meant. Sterling must have drank in the past and Louis figured it was bad since Sterling did it. Harry sighed and shook his head. ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s not bad if itââ¬â¢s in moderation, you just drank too much. Just a glass or two is fine.â⬠Louis nodded happily and laid back down on Harrys warm chest. He wrapped one arm around the alphas broad shoulders to hold himself up. The boy was still for a moment before Harry felt something prick against his neck. He froze then began to smile to himself. 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